
I don’t have a topic to post about this week: I’m slowly getting used to teaching and living here in Lesotho. So here are some of the pictures I’ve taken. I’ve started to get better with making food. I really miss being lazy and having leftovers or just being able to pick up something to… Continue reading Untitled

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Commuting to the Camptown

I try to go to a camptown at least once during the weekend. This is my chance to get fruit, vegetables and electricity/wifi. Luckily, I have two camptowns that are roughly an hour away from me and two more camptowns about 2 hours away. Many PCV’s throughout the country are more than 2 hours away… Continue reading Commuting to the Camptown

Categorized as PC Lesotho

The Daily

Many people have asked me about what living here is like on a regular day in Lesotho. It is definitely very different but life goes much slower here so I have had time to rest, do things that I’ve been “getting around to” for the past few years, and do all the things that just… Continue reading The Daily

Categorized as PC Lesotho


I was more than halfway done with my first week of school; it was Thursday morning and I was in between classes. I walked into the staff room briefly to get something and saw a female student convulsing on the ground. She was surrounded by several other students who were standing around to help and… Continue reading Possessed

Categorized as PC Lesotho