
I don’t have a topic to post about this week: I’m slowly getting used to teaching and living here in Lesotho. So here are some of the pictures I’ve taken.

I’ve started to get better with making food. I really miss being lazy and having leftovers or just being able to pick up something to eat.

Homemade chips and salsa!!

I made 3 loaves of banana bread this week in my dutch oven….don’t worry – I’m not eating it all… Part of being a Peace Corps volunteer is to share parts of American culture to people in your community. Besides just being myself, food is pretty much the easiest way to do that so I’ve shared with my host family, a couple people in the village, and the other teachers at my school.

Banana bread baking in my dutch oven!

Sunflower oil is the most common type of cooking oil
Not sure if you can just make it at home, but people in my village grow it, so it must be possible.

The weather is really strange – some days are sunny and hot, sometimes there is a lot of rain, sometimes it is sunny and it is raining at the same time. It looks different all the time and is absolutely stunning – I’m trying to take more pictures, but they don’t do the scenery justice.

On my walk home back to my village –
It looked like there was a rain cloud right over it,
but luckily it was a storm just a little further away (or a lot further, I have no idea)
I’m trying to take more pictures of clouds – they are beautiful!
I almost stepped on this plant!
This week I’ve started to notice the days getting shorter – I wake up and its still dark out and it gets darker earlier.  Summer is ending! So to brighten up my day, I started my garden!!

My Garden!!!!
The dirt is where I planted my seeds
and the middle right where there is straw is where I put my compost!!
All the plants in the back are my host family’s


  1. I agree with HOLLIE! Why haven't you shared your banana bread with us??!?!?! I can't wait to see all the photos of the landscape. AND your garden! What are you growing? What fruits, vegetables, and herbs are indigenous and grow well in Lesotho??

  2. Wow! You really are keeping busy! How long did it take for you to make the banana bread? And you are soo kind to share! And all of those scenic photos are so beautiful, I am sure it is breathtaking to see in person!

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