Road Trip: South Africa (Part 1)

 After we explored a little bit of Lesotho, we headed on the next part of our road trip. We stayed in Durban for 3 nights, Johannesburg for one night, and then headed to Kruger National Park for the next 3 nights.

On the road to Durban we saw a family of baboons.
Baboons are everywhere – but since these were the first ones we saw, we go so excited!

Shopping at the Indian Market

Zulu traditional ceremony.
Our tour guide just pulled over on the side of the road when he saw the cow,
which the “traditional doctors” (one on the right) are preparing for slaughter. 

At Ghandi’s house in Durban
Me and Mom and Dad. Durban is the Southern California of South Africa –
it has beach and the weather is always warm and sunny (but not too hot). 

Me and Dad at a stop on the road to Kruger.
The three rondevals – South Africa’s most photographed site.
Another stop on the road, called the potholes.
Beautiful waterfall at a gorge and bridges that allow you to walk around them.
Me and my mom at the Potholes
 Kruger National Park – We had two days, driving around and taking pictures of the animals we could spot. It was fun when you could spot animals far away but the most exciting is when you see them crossing or right of the road.
Impalas. They are all over Kruger Park.
When you are in the car, the animals see you as a blob and not a predator so you can get very close!

More baboons all over the road!
Baboons with their babies!
The warthog, Pumba

Dad taking a picture of one of the Big 5 – Buffalo
Night safari at Kruger – usually lions are shy but
at night time it was right on the road in front of us

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