PST: Round 2

Pre-Service training (PST) is the 10 week period where all the volunteers of a group learn about the language, culture, and information that they will need to know for the next 2 years as a volunteer. This week, I was fully involved with the new education trainees – future volunteer teachers like myself.  In the… Continue reading PST: Round 2

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Moea O Mongata!

Moea O Mongata (It is too windy) This is the phrase that I have been hearing basically every day since I’ve been back from consolidation and even before I left for consolidation. And it is completely true – it is too windy. One of the cultural norms that we learned about during our training is… Continue reading Moea O Mongata!

Categorized as PC Lesotho

One Year Reflections

Today marks the one year anniversary of arriving to Lesotho. A lot has happened, but it has also gone by very fast. I survived 10 weeks of training, I started teaching my own classes for the first time, I started a library, I’ve explored 6 of the 10 districts in Lesotho, I survived a country… Continue reading One Year Reflections

Categorized as PC Lesotho

End of Consolidation

Sorry for the delayed update, but if you haven’t already heard, I am back in Lesotho. During the time we were in South Africa, my favorite thing was the survivor style cooking competition that the hotel staff hosted for us. It was part of a “field day” event; there were all sorts of outdoor relay-type… Continue reading End of Consolidation

Categorized as PC Lesotho