Summer Break

I thought that once school ended, I would have lots of free time to relax and read and update my blog. Clearly, I was wrong. Grading, staff meetings, waiting in 4-hour inefficient Lesotho lines, is pretty boring so here are the highlights:

I attended the Grassroots Soccer (GRS) workshop to learn how to teach youth about HIV using soccer drills. (I attended other PCV’s camps, but now I can have one at my own site.) I have started my own camp with my host brother who is my counterpart. Unlike other camps that I attended, mine has organically become more of a youth club. Instead of cramming all 10 sessions into a few days, we are going into each GRS session in depth. I am really excited to see their interest and hear their questions and ideas into how else they can educate others on HIV.

One of the new things I have been enjoying here in Lesotho is seasons. I love California, but depending on where you are, a day in June is practically the same as a day in January. In Lesotho, the weather and all of the scenes around me are constantly changing. Right now, I am enjoying the spring time – the colors, the sun and my garden.

Every day the colors are changing.
When the fields are plowed, sections turn to red.
As plants grow, it becomes more green.

Spring/Summer is the rainy season.
The gardens around my village are beautiful.

This is my garden!
Basil on the left, lettuce on the right
Tomatoes in my garden!!
Each yellow little flower will become a tomato!

My host m’e (mother) and her friend dancing to music from the radio
Yolanda, another PCV, walking with her youth organization in an AIDS event.
Her site is close to mine so I just dropped by to join their walk on the main road!


Girls signing the SKILLZ contract, part of the Grassroots Soccer Program that I did in July.
I have been meeting almost every day of summer break and we have been learning a lot about HIV.
Aloe Plant – reminds me of Dr. Seuss

And shortly, I will be picking up Frannie from the airport – more adventures to come!

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