Holiday Review

During this past holiday season, some of my friends came to visit. It was so busy and fun and over before I knew it. Here is the short review:

December 20th: I traveled to Johannesburg to meet Frannie at the airport. Usually crossing the border to/from Johannesburg and Lesotho takes about 20 minutes; this day, it took over 2 hours.
December 21st: Picked up Frannie from the airport and visited the Apartheid Museum. 
 Frannie and me at the Apartheid Museum overlooking the Johannesburg skyline
December 22nd: Woke up at 5:30am for an all day safari. I’ve been on a safari before but our guide was very unique and kept us interested by showing us all the indigenous plants and their uses. 
Frannie and me on our safari
December 23rd: Traveled back to Lesotho.
December 24 – 25th: Showed Frannie my village and Lesotho. 
Frannie and me on our Christmas morning hike!
December 26th: Cleaned, packed, went to bus stop. Got on the all-night bus to Cape town. 
December 27th: Arrived in Cape Town and met up with Leila.
December 28th: Frannie, Leila, and I took the Red bus tour and hiked up Table Mountain. Hollie and Armen arrive.
Me, Leila and Frannie on the top of Table Mountain
December 29th: All day wine tour. 5 wine tastings at 5 different wineries – so exhausting.
Armen, Hollie, me, Frannie, and Leila at one of the wineries
December 30th: We went on a Cape Point tour – penguins, light house, cape point and friendship bracelets!
Hollie, me, Frannie, and Leila on the boat to see the seals (behind us).

Armen, Hollie, Frannie, me, and Leila at one of the lookout points on the tour

Friendship Bracelets!
December 31st: We went on the Robben Island tour – such a beautiful day to be out on the water. The prison tour was guided by a former political prisoner of the apartheid – one of the most interesting aspects of the tour, I wish there was more time to ask him questions. Then, New Years Eve! 
Girls on NYE
January 1st: We rested and went to the botanical gardens. Then had our last dinner out at Panama Jacks.
At the botanical gardens – me on the tree canopy walkway.
January 2nd: Said goodbye to Frannie, Leila, Hollie and Armen. I miss them already! And had to get back on the 17 hour bus ride to get back to Lesotho…


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