
Even though this blog is supposed to be me, “sharing my commute with you”, I may have left out one detail about my travel logistics – mostly because I didn’t want my parents to be worried but mainly because I didn’t want them to be bugging me with their worrying.  This way of getting around… Continue reading Hitchhiking

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Herd Boys

A “herd boy” is a term in Lesotho used for a boy or man whose job is to take after the animal herds – mostly cattle, but also sheep and goats. They go out in the fields and mountains, sometimes for days at a time, with the animals and watch over them as they graze.… Continue reading Herd Boys

Categorized as PC Lesotho


For the past few weeks, it has been pretty warm and it feels like winter is finally over. It is still very dry and windy, but the spring has slowly been adding colors to the village. My rondeval A distant view of the neighborhood. Peach trees are blooming! They are so pretty and everywhere in… Continue reading Springtime

Categorized as PC Lesotho

COS Conference

Last weekend was my Close of Service (COS) conference. This conference was designed for the outgoing volunteers to celebrate what we have done as volunteers, prepare us to look towards our future – what we want to do after Peace Corps, and finish our work here and say goodbye. We spent a day and a… Continue reading COS Conference

Categorized as PC Lesotho