Cooking in Lesotho

Being in Lesotho, I have access to many fruits and vegetables but the ease at which they are accessible is greatly decreased. Everything I buy, I have to carry to the taxi rank and once I get to my site, I have to carry it up a moderately steep hill. To cook, I have a… Continue reading Cooking in Lesotho

Categorized as PC Lesotho

The Sara Books

I don’t think there is any simple solution to teaching, but there is one teaching aide that has been remarkable to my life skills classes – the Sara books. In the second quarter of the school year, I focused on HIV and AIDS and after evaluating them, I was disappointed with how many students did… Continue reading The Sara Books

Categorized as PC Lesotho

School Break

This past week was a holiday from school – Lesotho’s Independence Day break, also a week in between the third and fourth quarter of school. During this break, I went back to Leribe to visit my old village. It was the last time I will be able to see the people there before I finish… Continue reading School Break

Categorized as PC Lesotho