COS Trip

It’s been about 3 months since I finished my Peace Corps service – time has gone by so quickly. The first month after PC, I decided to travel on my way home with my friend, Kristy, for our COS Trip!

1st Stop: Swaziland!
After COS, we flew to Johannesburg with all of our stuff. We dropped our big bags off and took our backpacking backpacks on public taxis to Swaziland.

Hiking in the beautiful mountains
More pretty views
Handmade Crafts!! These are candles at Swazi Candles.
Craft Market at Swazi Candles. Fun just to walk around.
Malolotja Nature Reserve
Zip Lining at Malolotja
Kristy Zip Lining
Staying away from the edge of the platform
Windy Bridge – scariest part of Zip Lining
Pretty Views from the canyon where we Zip Lined

Public transportation was easy, people were friendly, the crafts and activities were fun, affordable and environmentally friendly. We also went to a glass factory that used only recycled glass to make beautiful glass plates, vases, drink glasses, figurines and more. It felt relaxed and there were no hassles at all. Everything about Swaziland was amazing.

Next Stop: Mozambique
From Swaziland, we took another public taxi to Mozambique. We stayed at the capitol, Maputo, on the way there and back, but spent most of the time in Tofo. We took a bus to/from Tofo, which took 7 hours! On the way there, our bus broke down, so it took 10 hours.

Once we got to Tofo, we mostly hung out at the beach so not a lot of pictures were taken. The beach was covered in jellyfish – Kristy got stung!

Mozambique Sunset
Local Food – Matapa, which is coconut milk, cashews and green vegetables all ground up to make a curry-like dish.
Tastes so good!!!

Mozambique was definitely more touristy. Locals continually coming up to us and trying to sell us things. Also, it was slightly more difficult to get around in Mozambique because the main language is Portuguese. But Mozambique was the last of our public transportation! Being on the beach in the hot/humid weather was nice and the food was the best part – besides Matapa, lots of seafood and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Next up: Victoria Falls! We flew in/out of Victoria Falls from Johanesburg. We went during the low flow season, so the falls are usually a lot larger. We stayed in Livingstone, which is on the Zambian side, but since the water levels were low, we went to Zimbabwe to see the falls.

ASCE approved bridge – the right side of the bridge is Zimbabwe and the left is Zambia.
Just one small section of Victoria Falls
Even though this is low season, we were still completely wet from the mist
Across the way, you can spot Devil’s Pool – a group of people are swimming right to the edge of the falls.
We did not do this!!
You can see the mist!
During high season, this area is completely covered with water falls

White Water Rafting! Downstream of the waterfalls is the Zambizi River, which separates Zambia and Zimbabwe. We did an all day white water rafting trip. We rafted through 23 rapids level 1-5 and walked around one rapid that was level 6. Fun and scary and exhilarating and relaxing all in one day.

Our raft group with our guide, Steve, in the front.
Photo Op! As we walk around a level 6 rapid.
Level 6 is too hard and not allowed to do on commercial rafting trips
We survived!!
At the end of the rafting, we took this lift up the canyon.

Victoria Falls was beautiful. Very touristy and you pay for every and any activity you want to do, but  rafting was the highlight of our trip. Seeing the river and canyon from the raft was a unique way to see more of the scenery. And I would want to come back to see the falls during high season.

Last Stop: Dubai! A huge leap back into the developed world.

Dubai Beach
Marriott. One of the many high rises.
City Sunset
Desert Tour: 
Demonstration of how the ancient tribes used falcons to help them hunt for food
Dune Bashing. Pretty views but felt so sick the entire time!
Old Dubai: Spice Souk
Old Dubai: Textiles
Local transport between old and new Dubai 
The shopping mall has a ski slope…

Dubai was very commercialized. Shopping malls everywhere. The stores in the mall are the same (but very high end) as the US. My favorite part was Old Dubai and walking around the Souks – they have a Spice Souk, a Textile Souk and a Gold Souk (and a few more I don’t remember). If I went back, I would research more on prices and items I would want to buy at the Souks. Not sure, all the stuff might be made in China, but it was fun to experience.

Flying Home. Checked on Santa before coming home right in time for Christmas!

Overall, an amazing and unforgettable trip, but glad to be home!

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