Conscious Decorating Challenge

After subletting apartments in San Francisco for the past couple of years, my partner and I decided to move in together! After browsing Craigslist daily and keeping our eyes on other rental listings, we finally found a little house in a residential neighborhood. Our place is small compared to the surrounding homes but it is cozy and we are excited to start working on a variety of projects as we make our house a home!

One of our personal goals is that we hope to reduce our environmental impact and live a more sustainable lifestyle. As we settle in, we decided to address this goal by setting a challenge of furnishing and decorating using only items we already own, make, or purchase consigned. This does not include mattresses, pillows, and other items that could easily expose us to mold or something that we couldn’t easily sanitize (bed bugs!!!).

We are new at this and far from perfect in terms of being sustainable but making a goal and trying are our first steps. One thing I’d like to note is that we are fortunate to have all of the basics and be financially privileged to have the choice to even embark on this project. So, knowing we are complete novices, I hope to write about our projects and gather different ideas to make this work. 

Vase from used hot sauce bottle
Categorized as Living

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