Quick Getaway to Lake Tahoe

I feel very grateful that we live in a space that is big enough for us to live and work and be able to do our projects without feeling cramped. However, being in one place for the past 3 months with very little time outside our home and very little interaction with others is tiresome.… Continue reading Quick Getaway to Lake Tahoe

Categorized as Travel

Dresser Refurbishing Project

One of my projects is learning how to refurbish furniture or household items that we can customize to fit our space, look nice, and hopefully be more affordable (part of our house decorating goals). So we bought this old, worn out dresser in January or February of this year at a garage sale, with the… Continue reading Dresser Refurbishing Project

Categorized as DIY

“Cons” of Gardening

Last week, I was looking out the window into our garden, and I saw a giant rat!! There have been news reports that warn about aggressive rats that have had their food supplies taken as restaurants are closed, so they have been taking out of the ordinary measures to survive. And now one big one… Continue reading “Cons” of Gardening

Categorized as Garden