One of my Favorite Plants to Eat and Grow: Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard is one of our farmer’s market staples, but now it’s become one of my favorite plants that we can harvest farm fresh from our own garden! It has been one of the easiest things to grow and is very abundant, I would recommend it for anyone who has the resources (space, soil, time, etc.) to grow it and likes Swiss Chard.

Day 25

Swiss Chard Growth:

Day 36
Day 51

Our Swiss Chard took a long time to germinate – about 2 weeks. I think because it was pretty cold and mostly cloudy in the beginning of April, but after a slow start, it quickly grew and has kept growing. We harvested a little after Day 51 by cutting off the largest outer leaves and some that were just straying. We collected a large bouquet and still left a lot of leaves that we left to grow even more!

Day 54 – After Harvesting

Overall, growing Swiss Chard has been an excellent addition to our garden. We are starting to get little caterpillars that bite little holes in our chard, but we hope to find solutions to get rid of them soon. Our Swiss Chard is much more tender than what you’d get at the farmer’s market. And we’ve been able to harvest every 1-2 weeks since our first harvest. It’s a little Swiss Chard factory in our own backyard!

Typical Swiss Chard harvest

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