Quick Getaway to Lake Tahoe

I feel very grateful that we live in a space that is big enough for us to live and work and be able to do our projects without feeling cramped. However, being in one place for the past 3 months with very little time outside our home and very little interaction with others is tiresome. So when my parents asked if we’d want to join them for a couple of nights at their timeshare in Incline Village, which is on the north shore of Lake Tahoe, we jumped at the opportunity.

The drive to Lake Tahoe from San Francisco usually takes 3-1/2 hours. We were driving, about 2 hours in and we hit some traffic. Doing some online searches, it appeared to be a HAZMAT delay – which turned out to be an oil spill…canola oil to be exact. This spill occurred over 20 miles and rerouted us in a delay that took 4 more hours! (They reopened the highway about 6 hours later) Our total drive up took almost 7 hours – a rough start that led to some hangriness, but it got much better once we got to our destination.

The little bits in the lake are pollen. Luckily we weren’t there long enough for my allergies to get bad!

We still try our best to stay socially distanced, so being at Lake Tahoe in a timeshare was ideal. The timeshare has a kitchen and dining space for us to prepare and eat all of our meals. We brought a ton of food and ate excellent meals. And the walking trails and parks in Tahoe are a beautiful area to enjoy the outdoors and feel fresh air. Activities like kayaking and hiking are ideal when no one else is nearby.

Being out while the coronavirus numbers are increasing, and seeing others ignoring recommendations, in large groups without wearing masks, was a little unsettling. But having a change in scenery was refreshing for my mental and physical well-being. It will be important to find places we can drive to and stay relatively distanced, while breaking up the monotony of being home day in and day out. So Lake Tahoe is hopefully just the first of our quick getaways.


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