Winter is Coming

Many PCV’s in Lesotho have been quoting Game of Thrones (TV show/book series): “Winter is Coming”. Being from California, I’m not really sure why they are saying this because it feels like winter is already here. And like the Game of Thrones books series that has 2 more books to be published, there are good parts, but I just want it to be over!

Every day when I walk to school, I feel like the Michillin Man because I have put on practically everything I have in order to stay warm all day. Even though I am inside most of the day, the buildings here (my house included) feel like an ice box. I actually have 2 heaters but I currently have a cold and am blowing my nose every 5 minutes; plus it’s way too cold to get out of my blankets to figure out how they work. I never realized how nice it is to have indoor heating. But I’m getting better and used to the real seasons and I’m determined to make the best of it.

Hail outside my porch…in MARCH

There are many good parts about the weather, mostly having to do with food. I have been able to buy real cheese without it going bad – I just put it on my concrete floor and it stays cold. Since it‘s technically fall, I am making pumpkin baked goods. And the absolute best part is that avocados are in season! I‘m not really sure why, but they are the same price as any piece of fruit and I have been able to eat one almost everyday. I even ran out of butter and used avocado as a substitute in chocolate chip cupcakes (totally works, by the way).

Plants are dead, sky is grey – this is what winter looks like here.

I guess I shouldn’t really be posting about winter yet because everyone tells me it’s going to get worse but that’s what happens when it’s basically the only thing I can think about all day. Hopefully I’ll be able to think about another topic before the spring.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins


  1. Are those the cupcakes with the avocados?? I would have expected them to be more green! HAHA

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