Visiting Friends

The first three months at site, we are not allowed to travel and are supposed to stay in our village in order to get to know our community. (We were allowed to leave for the holidays and for trips to the camptown for groceries.) Last weekend was the first weekend that we were allowed to travel so I went to Buthe Buthe to visit my friend, Sarah.

It was fun to compare our sites: My site is kind of in a valley, surrounded by fields of corn and other crops, but her site is tucked away in the mountain side. Being in the mountain side, it also takes around couple hours to get to her camptown, which makes me glad that I’m only an hour. Even though Lesotho is a small country, the landscape can vary a lot.

Sunset in Butha Buthe

Me and Sarah in Butha Buthe

View from Sarah’s House

Overall the trip was very fun. A few other volunteers also went to visit her and we made lasagna and just hung out. We are already planning a vacation for our first school break (around Easter) – Durban!

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