In Loving Memory

The first time I traveled on an airplane by myself (and probably every time since then) my mom was so worried. I was already around 15 years old and felt pretty grown-up, so none of her concerns even phased me. Regardless, my Uncle Tony (my Mom’s cousin) took me to the airport. He walked me to my gate. And waited with me until I boarded the airplane. (Not sure how TSA worked back then, but it was allowed.) Since then, I’ve traveled many times by myself un-escorted through the airport, but my first flight is just one example of how much my family and friends have been there for me and each other throughout my life.

Being invited to volunteer for the Peace Corps was no different – I’ve received an outpouring of support.  My Uncle Tony and Auntie Jodi let me stay with them and their family right after I found out that I was invited.  My Uncle Tony was diagnosed with ALS just a little more than a year ago, but as an amazing chef and adventurous person, he was excited about the foods I was going to get to try and the things I was going to get to see. With all of the pain he was going through, he still talked to me in a carefree way that made me feel comforted. He passed away a couple of weeks ago.

With all of the commotion of packing, running all of the last minute errands, and visiting people before I move, I haven’t been able to fully digest the fact that my Uncle Tony will not be here when I come back. Talking about it to others, I’ve heard every cliché about not taking life for granted, life being too short, blah, blah, blah…. But when left my mom in tears at the airport, I can’t help but think about how things will be different. I will be facing new challenges and situations, and while it’s easy to say goodbye for now, it’s strange to think that some goodbyes may be forever.

I really don’t know what will happen in the future, but I will try to remember the role models who have made me who I am and who have influenced who I want to be. And even though having such a strong support system makes it more sad to leave, it will also inspire me be a better volunteer. So for all of you who have helped me through this stressful time, (sorry if I was being crazy) – I am very grateful for you.


  1. Have safe travels, my friend, and I can't wait to see what adventure and challenge this new chapter in your life brings! xoxox

  2. I am so glad to think that Uncle Tony was a formative piece to building the confidence that led you to your current life choices and your upcoming travels. He was proud of you and he enjoyed your beautiful spirit. We love you and wish you all of the best. Nothing would remain the same even if you stayed in California. When the people we love are gone, their memories become our blessings. Remember him, and live in the moment while you are away. All of your experiences, good and bad, will become cherished pieces of the woman you will continue to evolve into. All our b est to you.

  3. Congratulations, Karly, you're really off on your adventure!!! I am so proud of you. I will look forward to reading all your blogs and will be following you in spirit. PS I approve of the blog name….

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