November 24, 2015, marked the last day of my Peace Corps service, my Close of Service (COS). Now I am an RPCV – a RETURNED Peace Corps Volunteer.
The question of the moment is “What will you do after Peace Corps?”
I don’t really have a straight answer. I know that I want to look for a job in the San Francisco Bay Area, but I don’t know exactly what job and I don’t have it figured out yet. I have so many mixed feelings – I am excited to go home and see my family and friends, I am anxious about finding a job, I am nervous to have a schedule and a car and going back to a fast paced life, I am worried that I might gain a ton of weight on processed foods, and much more. It is hard to explain and a little overwhelming.

But right now, I am planning on relaxing. My friend, Kristy, and I are in Swaziland. Next, we are going to Mozambique, Victoria Falls and Dubai before flying home. (More blog posts to come!) 
New RPCV’s, Kristy, Lisa and myself saying goodbye to some of the PC staff

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