What’s Cooking: Fried Cauliflower Rice

Fried Cauliflower Rice is our go to one pot meal when we are being extra lazy or can’t think of what to make. Do you have a random vegetable that you don’t know what to do with? Make fried cauliflower rice. Do you have a small portion leftover meat or vegetables that you can’t quite use as a full meal? Make cauliflower fried rice. Did you run out of meat and feel like you need protein? Make cauliflower fried rice.

Our one-pot meal

The trick is chopping, prepping, and throwing everything in order – onions and vegetables that take longer like frozen veg go first, eggs take less than a minute and are added at the very end. We try to always have a few frozen riced cauliflower bags in the freezer, but we occasionally steam and rice/mash (viciously hack with a spatula because we don’t have room for a food processor) fresh cauliflower too. And we add an egg or two if we want more protein. But any small amounts of other vegetables (from the freezer or fridge, raw or cooked) or most other leftovers add nice color and variety.

Leftover BBQ meat and roasted broccoli fried rice

Fried Cauliflower rice is also fun to experiment with – mixing in fresh greens, breaking in a salmon burger, or adding some extra spices with fried egg. We like to do this especially when we have leftover fried rice, and the ease of cooking gets even easier. With all the different add-ins and seasonings, it’s like you’re eating a completely different meal.

But even the classic basic fried cauliflower rice is a great comfort food that is really simple basic: you just throw everything in a pan with oil, adding some salt, seasonings, vegetable stock, maybe some soy sauce and chili paste along the way, and the cauliflower fried rice is ready to eat!

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