
I’m Karly and this is my blog!

A few themes of my blog:

  • Creativity: I love to explore my creative side – starting a project, drawing or journaling, or just being inspired; creativity is where I can find my sense of calm, excitement or motivation. So between my furnishing and home decorating challenge, cooking at home, or new projects, my blog is where I hope to share and gather what I’ve done, learned or just found noteworthy. 
  • Environment: Whether it’s enjoying nature or finding ways to be more sustainable, I strongly believe that we all need to do our part to preserve our environment. Climate change and development are already impacting public health in so many ways; and while it can be an overwhelming problem, every little bit counts, and I intend to keep trying.
  • Balance: While I’m a regular yoga practitioner, balance in the sense of this blog, to me, means understanding that I’m not perfect, being grateful, and living in the present. By doing this, I hope to be authentic and myself – just me. Karly’s Blog. 
Trying to stay warm in London!

Please feel free to comment or reach out. If you’d like to sign up to get email updates from me when I update my blog, please sign up on this link.

I hope you enjoy!