Weekend Trip to Valparaiso

Valparaiso is a coastal town about 90 minutes northwest of Santiago. It is the main port for Santiago and is the industrial space that contrast the next door beachtown, Vina del Mar. It’s a small town, but known as a tourist town for the beautiful rainbows of houses that cover the hillside above the coast.… Continue reading Weekend Trip to Valparaiso

Categorized as Travel Tagged

Santiago Cooking Class

This is the first cooking class that I’ve taken while travelling and now I’m totally sold – it’s a fun way to explore the city and learn about the culture in a unique way. We met our tour guide/chef at the Central Market, and wove our way through this market and a few neighboring ones,… Continue reading Santiago Cooking Class

Exploring Santiago

Santiago is the capital city of Chile located in the central valley surrounded by mountains (Andes on the east and Chilean coastal mountains on the west). It’s a growing metropolis of about 7 million people, and is broken up into barrios (neighborhoods) with their own local government, police and school systems. Downtown is it’s own… Continue reading Exploring Santiago

COS Trip

It’s been about 3 months since I finished my Peace Corps service – time has gone by so quickly. The first month after PC, I decided to travel on my way home with my friend, Kristy, for our COS Trip! 1st Stop: Swaziland! After COS, we flew to Johannesburg with all of our stuff. We… Continue reading COS Trip


November 24, 2015, marked the last day of my Peace Corps service, my Close of Service (COS). Now I am an RPCV – a RETURNED Peace Corps Volunteer. The question of the moment is “What will you do after Peace Corps?” I don’t really have a straight answer. I know that I want to look… Continue reading COS

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Diversity Project

Today’s sunsetIt is extremely dusty and windy but the sky was illuminated;I ran outside for a quick second to take a photo but my allergies are terrible  One large part of my PCV experience has been being a part of the diversity committee – a group aimed at addressing the diversity of PCVs. In Lesotho… Continue reading Diversity Project

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Cooking in Lesotho

Being in Lesotho, I have access to many fruits and vegetables but the ease at which they are accessible is greatly decreased. Everything I buy, I have to carry to the taxi rank and once I get to my site, I have to carry it up a moderately steep hill. To cook, I have a… Continue reading Cooking in Lesotho

Categorized as PC Lesotho

The Sara Books

I don’t think there is any simple solution to teaching, but there is one teaching aide that has been remarkable to my life skills classes – the Sara books. In the second quarter of the school year, I focused on HIV and AIDS and after evaluating them, I was disappointed with how many students did… Continue reading The Sara Books

Categorized as PC Lesotho

School Break

This past week was a holiday from school – Lesotho’s Independence Day break, also a week in between the third and fourth quarter of school. During this break, I went back to Leribe to visit my old village. It was the last time I will be able to see the people there before I finish… Continue reading School Break

Categorized as PC Lesotho