Playing Around

In the villages, it is common to see children running around, playing anywhere. They don’t need permission or supervision. I’m not really sure what they do most of the time, but the kids are a part of the village life. Two of my host siblings, a boy and a girl, are still in primary school,… Continue reading Playing Around

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Library Project

Part of being a Peace Corps Volunteer is having secondary projects. For Education volunteers, our main job is teaching classes, but we are also tasked with finding other needs to address within our community. So whether it’s coaching Grassroots Soccer (refer to previous post), building latrines, starting a piggery, or building a library, secondary projects… Continue reading Library Project

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Winter Break

The last day of school was June 6, which began the start of my winter break. Since it started, I have been non-stop busy for the past few weeks and that this is the first time that I’ve been able to update my blog this month! The first part of my time off was spent… Continue reading Winter Break

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Diversity Article

In Peace Corps Lesotho, we have a monthly newsletter, called the Khotso (Peace), for volunteers and staff to share with each other various things about volunteering, news, information, etc. We also have several committees to support different aspects of being a volunteer. One of those committees is the Diversity Committee, which was designed to support… Continue reading Diversity Article

Winter is Coming

Many PCV’s in Lesotho have been quoting Game of Thrones (TV show/book series): “Winter is Coming”. Being from California, I’m not really sure why they are saying this because it feels like winter is already here. And like the Game of Thrones books series that has 2 more books to be published, there are good… Continue reading Winter is Coming

Data Collection

Because the Peace Corps is a government agency with government funding, each Peace Corps country is tasked with measuring the impact of volunteers and reporting to the headquarters. I haven’t really had time in the past couple of weeks to write a blog article about Lesotho because every little bit of electricity my laptop gets… Continue reading Data Collection