That’s nice.

 Regarding most of the things that I do in a bathroom, I’ve been trained not to do or talk about in public. Whether its illegal or socially unacceptable or just considered private, it doesn’t matter because none of those restrictions exist in Lesotho. While volunteering in Lesotho, I’ve been accustomed to witnessing or discussing the… Continue reading That’s nice.

“There’s no need to hurry, when we have curry!”

Version of the Durban slogan, city with the highest population of Indian people outside of India. With Easter break being our first opportunity for vacation, we decided to go to Durban: relatively close to Lesotho, can be reached using public transportation, and has a beach with warm weather (similar climate to Southern California). I’m glad… Continue reading “There’s no need to hurry, when we have curry!”

Categorized as PC Lesotho

More Training

After the first 3 months at site, the education volunteers that all came in October went back to our original training villages for 5 days of training. We participated in training sessions including language, challenges at site, mental health and classroom management. Going into the training, I was so excited to see everyone again that… Continue reading More Training

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Exam Week

Before exams, is a week of studying, called revision week. I have been working hard to prepare my students – giving practice exams, classwork, homework and as much help as I can give. This is followed by grading and giving as much feedback as possible.  This week is exam week, which should really be exam… Continue reading Exam Week

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Visiting Friends

The first three months at site, we are not allowed to travel and are supposed to stay in our village in order to get to know our community. (We were allowed to leave for the holidays and for trips to the camptown for groceries.) Last weekend was the first weekend that we were allowed to… Continue reading Visiting Friends

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Sex Talk

The country of Lesotho has one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS (if not the highest) in the world. Part of my job as a PCV in Lesotho is to educate people about AIDS and HIV, which is a topic that is very hushed in this culture. But as an educator of sexually transmitted diseases,… Continue reading Sex Talk

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Sports Day!!

My weekends are reserved for the mornings that I get to relax in bed, take my time getting up, and enjoy my coffee or tea. But yesterday (Saturday), I got out of bed at 6:30am, ran around getting all of my things together, and ran off to go to Sports Day. Sports day is what… Continue reading Sports Day!!

Categorized as PC Lesotho


I don’t have a topic to post about this week: I’m slowly getting used to teaching and living here in Lesotho. So here are some of the pictures I’ve taken. I’ve started to get better with making food. I really miss being lazy and having leftovers or just being able to pick up something to… Continue reading Untitled

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Commuting to the Camptown

I try to go to a camptown at least once during the weekend. This is my chance to get fruit, vegetables and electricity/wifi. Luckily, I have two camptowns that are roughly an hour away from me and two more camptowns about 2 hours away. Many PCV’s throughout the country are more than 2 hours away… Continue reading Commuting to the Camptown

Categorized as PC Lesotho

The Daily

Many people have asked me about what living here is like on a regular day in Lesotho. It is definitely very different but life goes much slower here so I have had time to rest, do things that I’ve been “getting around to” for the past few years, and do all the things that just… Continue reading The Daily

Categorized as PC Lesotho