Cherry Blossom Tour

San Francisco has an annual Cherry Blossom Festival that celebrates Japanese American culture. The main symbol of this festival are the beautiful cherry blossoms that cover the flowering cherry trees in a captivating pink mass. While the festival was moved to an online-only platform this year, there are still many beautiful blooms all over San… Continue reading Cherry Blossom Tour

Life-changing Soup Recipe!

When I first saw this soup recipe (linked below), I thought it would be fun to try, but I would not have imagined that it would become part of our normal cooking lineup. Not only is the soup good, but we have changed our everyday food prep process to drastically minimize food waste! Instead of… Continue reading Life-changing Soup Recipe!

Categorized as Cooking

Conscious Decorating Challenge

After subletting apartments in San Francisco for the past couple of years, my partner and I decided to move in together! After browsing Craigslist daily and keeping our eyes on other rental listings, we finally found a little house in a residential neighborhood. Our place is small compared to the surrounding homes but it is… Continue reading Conscious Decorating Challenge

Categorized as Living

Christmas in London

This past Christmas (December 2019), my partner and I went to London to spend the holiday with his family. This was my first trip to London – so while the main purpose was to see family, I also wanted to fit in touristy items in between.  A few of my personal highlights were going on… Continue reading Christmas in London

Categorized as Travel

Karly’s Karpool: Sharing my Commute with You

This is the archive blog of my Peace Corps Lesotho experience. I was a volunteer, teaching math and life skills in a secondary/high school from October 2013 – November 2015. During that time, I maintained this blog Karlys Karpool: Sharing my Commute with You. Enjoy!

Categorized as PC Lesotho

4 Days in Mexico City

Layovers are usually just a pain, and there is currently no non-stop flight to/from Santiago from SFO but we took advantage of that by extending our layover to spend a few days in Mexico City on our way back.  We stayed in Mexico City for about 4 days, taking time to relax and walk around… Continue reading 4 Days in Mexico City