Spaghetti Squash Mishaps

One of the vegetables we tried to grow this past summer was spaghetti squash – I particularly like spaghetti squash because it’s easy to make, yields a lot, and breaks into thin strands that are an excellent replacement for thin pasta or noodles. However, growing spaghetti squash was much more challenging… One element to growing… Continue reading Spaghetti Squash Mishaps

Farm to Table: Zucchini

Zucchini was one of the easiest vegetables to grow – once it started there was a steady flow of about 1-2 zucchini per week. Having enough space is ideal because the leaves can get very large, but we were able to grow a plant that yielded about the same amount at my grandmother’s in a… Continue reading Farm to Table: Zucchini

Growing the Rainbow

Despite running into the challenges of beginner gardeners, the vegetables we were able to grow were rewarding beyond my expectations. One of my favorite things about our garden was how beautiful our harvests could be. This past summer we tried to grow carrots – in the end, they took a long time, took up a… Continue reading Growing the Rainbow

Categorized as Garden

“Cons” of Gardening

Last week, I was looking out the window into our garden, and I saw a giant rat!! There have been news reports that warn about aggressive rats that have had their food supplies taken as restaurants are closed, so they have been taking out of the ordinary measures to survive. And now one big one… Continue reading “Cons” of Gardening

Categorized as Garden

More Gardening! April 2020

Our April gardening was largely focused on expansion. We acquired several more large metal bins to make above ground beds, more varieties of seeds got delivered, and more soil and supplies. After our first planting of bok choy, radishes, arugula, spinach and carrots, we went full speed ahead to fill our small side yard. We… Continue reading More Gardening! April 2020

Categorized as Garden

Our Thorny Roses

Our garden has been pretty fun and rewarding, but it is definitely not without it’s challenges – our biggest trials so far have been with our roses. My partner bought a few of those Trader Joe’s mini rose bushes before we even met and re-potted them in a wooden cart. Impressive decorations, but upon closer… Continue reading Our Thorny Roses

Categorized as Garden