COS Conference

Last weekend was my Close of Service (COS) conference. This conference was designed for the outgoing volunteers to celebrate what we have done as volunteers, prepare us to look towards our future – what we want to do after Peace Corps, and finish our work here and say goodbye. We spent a day and a… Continue reading COS Conference

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Mini Vaca: Katse Dam

After school ended, I visited some friends (Zeke, Sarah, and Brendan) and we went to Katse Dam – the largest dam in Lesotho and a tourist location. We stayed at the Katse Lodge (more like dorm rooms) where the big draw is their trout burgers (the smoked trout and poached trout were also amazing). We… Continue reading Mini Vaca: Katse Dam

Raku Firing

One of the places that I like to visit near my site is Linotseng Studio. A professional artist, Patrick Rorke, opened a studio for locals and visitors alike to come paint and do pottery alongside him. I have enjoyed the opportunity to be one of those people. Last weekend, Patrick conducted a Raku firing. This… Continue reading Raku Firing

Categorized as PC Lesotho


Yesterday, I woke up to snow! Being from California, it was so exciting. I’m at a higher elevation than I was last year, still in the lowlands of Lesotho, but it snows maybe once a year here. Also, I live on a plateau so the snow just fell right in my front yard and was… Continue reading Snow!!

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Easter Break: Semongkong

 This year for Easter break, I went back to Semongkong with my friends Paula, Sarah, Robby and Gloria. We went hiking, hung out, played board games and cards and just relaxed. But the absolutely best part of the trip was abseiling. Abseiling (also called repelling) is kind of like going down after rock climbing –… Continue reading Easter Break: Semongkong

Categorized as PC Lesotho

My New Site

I moved to my new site about a month ago. I have been asked a lot of similar questions about my new life – it is pretty boring information, but here are the basic details:  I am still teaching math(s) and life skills, but now at a high school instead of a secondary school. A… Continue reading My New Site

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Mapuleng (Mother of Rain)

I haven’t written any blog posts in a while, so this is my attempt to describe the beginning of my year, 2015: The beginning of January was a nice vacation. I had an amazing vacation in Cape Town with some of my friends from home. I visited Kristy to celebrate her birthday; and we went… Continue reading Mapuleng (Mother of Rain)

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Holiday Review

During this past holiday season, some of my friends came to visit. It was so busy and fun and over before I knew it. Here is the short review: December 20th: I traveled to Johannesburg to meet Frannie at the airport. Usually crossing the border to/from Johannesburg and Lesotho takes about 20 minutes; this day,… Continue reading Holiday Review

Categorized as PC Lesotho

Summer Break

I thought that once school ended, I would have lots of free time to relax and read and update my blog. Clearly, I was wrong. Grading, staff meetings, waiting in 4-hour inefficient Lesotho lines, is pretty boring so here are the highlights: I attended the Grassroots Soccer (GRS) workshop to learn how to teach youth… Continue reading Summer Break

Categorized as PC Lesotho