Quick Getaway to Lake Tahoe

I feel very grateful that we live in a space that is big enough for us to live and work and be able to do our projects without feeling cramped. However, being in one place for the past 3 months with very little time outside our home and very little interaction with others is tiresome.… Continue reading Quick Getaway to Lake Tahoe

Categorized as Travel

Cherry Blossom Tour

San Francisco has an annual Cherry Blossom Festival that celebrates Japanese American culture. The main symbol of this festival are the beautiful cherry blossoms that cover the flowering cherry trees in a captivating pink mass. While the festival was moved to an online-only platform this year, there are still many beautiful blooms all over San… Continue reading Cherry Blossom Tour

Christmas in London

This past Christmas (December 2019), my partner and I went to London to spend the holiday with his family. This was my first trip to London – so while the main purpose was to see family, I also wanted to fit in touristy items in between.  A few of my personal highlights were going on… Continue reading Christmas in London

Categorized as Travel

4 Days in Mexico City

Layovers are usually just a pain, and there is currently no non-stop flight to/from Santiago from SFO but we took advantage of that by extending our layover to spend a few days in Mexico City on our way back.  We stayed in Mexico City for about 4 days, taking time to relax and walk around… Continue reading 4 Days in Mexico City

Weekend Trip to Valparaiso

Valparaiso is a coastal town about 90 minutes northwest of Santiago. It is the main port for Santiago and is the industrial space that contrast the next door beachtown, Vina del Mar. It’s a small town, but known as a tourist town for the beautiful rainbows of houses that cover the hillside above the coast.… Continue reading Weekend Trip to Valparaiso

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Santiago Cooking Class

This is the first cooking class that I’ve taken while travelling and now I’m totally sold – it’s a fun way to explore the city and learn about the culture in a unique way. We met our tour guide/chef at the Central Market, and wove our way through this market and a few neighboring ones,… Continue reading Santiago Cooking Class

Exploring Santiago

Santiago is the capital city of Chile located in the central valley surrounded by mountains (Andes on the east and Chilean coastal mountains on the west). It’s a growing metropolis of about 7 million people, and is broken up into barrios (neighborhoods) with their own local government, police and school systems. Downtown is it’s own… Continue reading Exploring Santiago